Monday, December 31, 2007

Picture wall

Here's your chance to vote! I want to use some of my many unused frames to create a picture wall in the dining area. It is harder than it seems... I've got two options so far. Am I on the right track? Which one would look better? Any suggestions?

Option A: Symetrical

Option B: Looser

Note: the long rectangular shapes (one in option A, two in option B) are 3-opening frames. The rest are all single opening frames (one large one, and the rest 5x7.)


Anonymous said...

I like both of them -- the first one seems more symetrical, but the second is more interesting. I guess I'd go with the first one, but don't think you'd be making a mistake either way.

Anonymous said...

The first one is contained and safe. The second has more energy and fun, I vote for it.

jovaliquilts said...

I'm so far behind in my blog reading that the pics are probably already up! I have a preference but I won't vote just in case I choose the one you didn't use! If you're still soliciting opinions, let me know. I love how you are laying it out with brown paper and painter's tape. I'll have to try that!