Friday, June 09, 2006

How we spend our evenings...

Evenings are tough times for Andrew. Sometimes, sucking on a pinky finger is the only thing that will calm him down (other than nursing, which I can't do all evening long!) Hopefully this evening wakefulness/fussiness won't last long. I'm trying in vain to remember when Julia became such a great sleeper. Julia goes to bed easily and reliably at 7pm, and sleeps until 7am without waking up. She didn't start out that way, though. I remember many long evenings of the pinky, the swing, late night walks in the stroller, etc. So just because Andrew is having trouble getting to sleep now, it doesn't mean he will forever, I keep reminding myself. Meanwhile, though, if you're wondering how we spend our evenings, this captures it pretty well:
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurel,

Kira's first full night of sleep (7 hours) was May 29 after we took her to her first wedding. I have that date memorized because it was the first time I had gotten any sleep in a long time. She was 7 weeks old. From 7 weeks to about 10 weeks she slowly started to sleep longer and more consistantly. Now at 10 weeks and after moving her to her big room she is consistantly falling asleep for 7-8 hours a night. I feel so refreshed and alive :-)

So it will happen..... I think weeks 3-6 are the toughest!!!!
