Sunday, March 30, 2008

Silver Tongue Tied (a poem by Jeff)


A poet at heart
But too head-smart
To paint a picture in words
Not forced or trite or cliché

Mired in meter and rhythm and rhyme
And public displays of alliteration
Tripping over my own prosodic feet
Neglecting what I thought I had to say

Silver tongue tied
Reaping bland husks of verse
Empty of emotion

To let feeling flow
In unstructured form
And to trust the inherent beauty and sufficiency of the substance

I put my pen down long ago
These days I write with light


jovaliquilts said...

Oh, thanks for sharing that. I especially like the "silver tongue tied" image and the "prosodic feet" pun.

I once had a fascinating conversation on an airplane with a photography instructor about being verbally articulate vs. writing with light (though we didn't put it in those words). Wish I could remember his name, as I bet he and Jeff would get along. He taught at some college in the Bay Area, years ago.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your poem. It resonates with me, because I too find it difficult to find the right words to fit the moment.

sounds like you're making progress, Laurel, on your 14 day challenge. Don't let a lapse or two discourage you -- just get back in the saddle again!

Love your gardening project with the children -- I love the seeds and watching them grow. They'll love that! Love, Mom