Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas tree selection day

When I was a kid we'd head up the mountain to hunt for the perfect tree, chop it down, strap it to the roof of the car, and then enjoy a cup of homemade hot chocolate from mom's thermos. Our christmas tree outing this weekend had echoes of this tradition, but with a decidedly modern twist... We picked up our tree at the corner lot. We put it in the trunk of our minivan. We headed to Starbucks for hot chocolate. It may lack some of the romance, but it got the job done.

Here's the tree in the back of the expedition:

The tree looks tiny in the picture above, but actually it was so big it almost didn't fit into our stand:

Here is Julia enjoying her hot chocolate at Starbucks:

And here is Jeff doing surgery on the tree to get it to fit into the stand:
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See Jeff, It's perfectly normal to drink hot chocolate through a straw.